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Enhancing API Management and Realtime Updates with Kong Plugin Using Redis Pub/Sub

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective API management is paramount for businesses aiming to deliver seamless and responsive user experiences. Kong, a popular open-source API gateway, empowers organizations to efficiently manage their APIs, ensuring reliability, security, and performance.

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Implementing Rate Limiting with Kong Plugin and Redis

In a world where APIs play a vital role in modern application architectures, managing the flow of incoming requests becomes crucial to ensure system stability and fair resource distribution.

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Why You Should Choose Golang Over Java to Build Microservice

Choosing Go (also known as Golang) over Java for developing microservices has several advantages. While both languages have their strengths, Go offers certain features and benefits that make it a compelling choice for building microservices.

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27 Major Changes From Android 6 To Android 11

Android brings a lot of substantial changes in every release. As far as I’ve seen Android 5 was one of the biggest and significant changes in the Android version history.

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6 Best Practices for Java Developers

Being a Java developer is a privilege. In the world of Java, a lot is already done, and still, there is a lot to do.

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Super Summary of Clean Code

American Software Engineer and Author Robert C. Martin have done an incredible job by writing the book “Clean Code ” detailedly and with so many examples.

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